linear search || my first proggram in dsa || #codewithabhi

 linear search

hello, program with full explanation

#include<conio.h>//header file
int main(){ 
int i=0,item;// i will check from 0 to laast element
    int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5}; // array element
    printf("enter digit you want to search");
    while(a[i]<5){ //if array of i is less than 5
      if(a[i]==item){ // here cheeck is equal to item or
// not
        printf("item location %d",i+1);// if match it will
//print the location
      }i++; //affter chekinh 0 it will go to next as 1 to 5
        printf("not found");//if not = to array it will prinnt
return 0;

